-- President Bush wrapped up his participation for the Fight Over Iraq:
He plans a nationally televised address this coming week to ''lay out a vision''
for the American people about the U.S. role.
Bush recounted his Labor Day trip to Iraq's Anbar Province to visit U.S. troops and ''see with my own eyes the
remarkable changes they are making possible.''
Everybody now: Oh yeah!!!!!
Bush said he would ''lay out a vision for future involvement in Iraq -- one that I believe the American people and their elected leaders of both parties can support. By coming together on the way forward, we will strengthen our enemies, secure our interests in the Middle East and make our nation safer.''
Everybody now : Oh yeah!!!!
And it is long past time for him to change his flawed mind:
Once the milk is spilled policies....... by the way :White House spin machine, where facts are often ignored or twisted, and intelligence is cherry-picked.'' news via NYtimes &etc.
En Passant :http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/us/AP-Laura-Bush.html?hp
He looks forward to getting back to help her in the recovery.''
Mrs. Bush's spokeswoman, said on Friday:
that doctors planned to use a minimally invasive procedure to remove pressure ....
Plus d'informations sur Le Monde.fr dans quelques minutes | ||
Les lapsus de George Bush animent le sommet de l'APEC
Le président américain a d'abord amusé l'assemblée en confondant l'APEC et l'OPEC (OPEP en français), l'Organisation des pays exportateurs de pétrole.
M. Bush a ensuite voulu remercier le premier ministre australien, John Howard, en saluant son soutien militaire en Irak... Mais il a confondu les troupes australiennes et les troupes autrichiennes (alors que l'Autriche n'a pas de contingent en Irak).
Il n'a pas mieux réussi sa sortie de scène puisqu'il s'est trompé de porte et a dû se faire indiquer le bon chemin par son hôte australien.
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