Story by Lucy and Drawings by Marguerita- published by Eugene L.Scott.- Sports Investors.
This pathetic statement resonates very close to home. I heard this from the horse's mouth myself.
One cannot stand silent by such attitude and statements.
Just a tidbit for your contemplative pleasure: Jill Priluck at Gothamist describes what she calls a “Larry Summers moment” for the graphic design guru Milton Glaser during a panel discussion on the art of book jacket design at the 92nd Street Y Monday night. (The author and McSweeney’s captain Dave Eggers and designer Chip Kidd were also on hand).
Mr. Glaser — the designer of the “I Heart N.Y.” icon, Gothamist points out — was apparently asked about, or simply offered (it’s unclear), his opinion on why so few women achieve greatness in graphic design. Here’s how Gothamist said the awkward moment went down:
So birds cannot fly because they lay eggs?
I was born with talent,a talent that has nothing to do whatsoever with
being a woman or a man,and all along these years struggling with some men,that see me as a threat,while I am not challenging them ?
I must illustrate this story with a few passages about Milton Glaser,who was gracious enough to recommend me and recognize on a letter that stated : "Marguerita Bornstein is an unusual and gifted artist and illustrator that has a unique talent", only to never give me an
assignment at New York Magazine, at the time he was there or ever
lend me any further professional support.On my own in this cruel and cold New York City,I was running around trying to get work and one day,I ran into Milton in the street,shortly after an ad that I designed and illustrated for Citicorp,which appeared in a full page ad in the NYTimes. He was weary and seemed quite upset with me.
And then,when I created a citywide poster ad campaign for the Village VOICE,the agency informed me that my signature should be erased ????On another occasion,I did a cover for Publisher's Weekly and looked up Milton,as I wanted to do covers for TIME magazine, He sternly looked at the artwork and commented something,like what the hell is going on here?
I can see in retrospect,that I was in fact considered a powerful threat to the Male dominated kingdom .
One of the reasons I left Brazil ,was to be able to simply work and earn my living,through my own capacity,only to fall into the same trap here in the US,where I sought refuge and end up facing hell.
It would be quite comical if not tragic, to narrate most of my interactions vis a vis men,throughout my career.OH,yeah.....
And do not get me wrong,I love men,despite all.
And worse,many women that entered the work force,sadly enough,
have acted and act like men,which I am not supporting at all.
I never believe in being adversaries.
We are both different and should be able to complement each other.
And this goes for the global co-existence vision too.
The Noble Awards serve for nothing,if the only real thing they are a
visit to Oslo,a fat check and words in the air......
I certainly have enough material for a long soap opera, or a musical, need only to find a interesting name like TIDE,or ARM& HAMMER:
The real story of a female cartoonist ,in Line (chorus) and a producer
to stage on Broadway,hello Weinstein,and then Hollysteel.,oops wood.(that is not an eco friendly,given deforestation....)
I was always seen as a dominatrix,when it came to get payed or in fact,the single fact,that my drawing and creative skills would really
be a nuclear threat and a duel of sorts.
If I only could collect in currency the names and mendacious slants
I would be a Rockefeller!!!!!!!
On the issues,[H]e said that the reason there are so few female rock star graphic designers is that “women get pregnant, have children, go home and take care of their children. And those essential years that men are building their careers and becoming visible are basically denied to women who choose to be at home.” He continued: “Unless something very dramatic happens to the nature of the human experience then it’s never going to change.” About day care and nannies, he said, “None of them are good solutions.”
Regarding the pregnancy & children issues, ,Mr. Milton Glaser, Motherhood was always one of my objectives also.In reality,as I started to work at a very young age ,I was already a consummate and accomplished artist and I never saw the conflict,when at the ripe age of 35, when I got married and consequently formed a family.
I never stopped,although family was my priority and now my young two sons, are challenging me to return full steam and work with all my potential as I also not only need financially,but also have a lot to give.
A curious note here. I was cleaning my bookshelves few weeks ago,and found PRISONER OF SEX,by Norman Mailer,where he asks:
"What do women want",as a response to the Womens Liberation Movement in the 70's.Curiously,I got the book in 1972,when I was 22,
living in Sydney,where after a hard time,I succeeded as an artist,only to overthrew my achievements there to return to Brazil in 1973,and immediately becoming a sensational and ahead of the times artist.
My artwork was published in the daily newspaper Jornal da Tarde,
which was an inspiration left and right for advertising heads.
I was called to create and illustrate ad campaigns and the TV Globo,to design the title sequence for a satire written as a soap opera,
O Rebu and Tv Educativa,for a Children's program.Two Humor Pages
\ in national magazines and artwork in a solo show in an art gallery.
From there to GRAPHIS and then New York.
So,what can I say Milton?
Life is But a Dream?
P.S. by the way,the word Designism sounds more likeMysoginism.......
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