Saturday, June 30, 2007


drawing and artbox by marguerita

OH,yeah,woodoo times...

"Gott ist tot"

One for the mind.....

“But I like it when somebody expresses their view with clarity and force,” she said.

“It was Nietzsche or Kierkegaard who said you have to believe in something so strongly that you don’t acknowledge another’s point of view: That’s what real belief is.”elizabeth edwards


art shouldn’t exist in it simply as a symbol of wealth and privilege. It should seize public spaces where it can, to make itself more part of daily life, more relevant in the world, and to become a source of serendipity, pleasure, trouble, controversy and interest to people outside the art world, not just inside it.

Minus the incendiary devices, this latest little flap is proof that art can still matter.michael kimmelman

Also sprach zarathustra............amen,ole,viva.......tutti frutti

Friday, June 29, 2007

New York Times,Bill Keller&Co vis a vis History

Portugal, Conquering and Also Conquered

Hope that Bill Keller ,other editors and other few around read the story
Case in point,learn about the Treaty of Tordesillas.
Having knowledge of History and Geography,may lend some understanding to the word Immigration,and allow some wisdom to be introduced in the efforts to reach harmony and peace on this Earth.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Oh,Man.....what is going on?

Quem dirige em alta velocidade é porque tem o pinto pequeno | filme brasileiroaqui

Sunday, June 24, 2007

john sann shoot backstage


Wishful thinking. [Laughs] In the opera, Lorca,
through one of the characters, says "You love freedom, but I am freedom." And that to me is the main point. That people who love freedom feel entitled to kill others for that love, but those people who are freedom are actually killed. Like Lorca, just by being freedom, they scare the others. It would be beautiful to arrive at the place where we all are freedom, and do not just love freedom...... by Osvaldo Golijov

Aleluia !

"The party I lead must have more than a set of policies - we must have a soul," he said.

What Insects Teach Us about Ourselves

drawings by marguerita

Scale Models?


Director, Highlands Biological Station and H. F. and Katherine P. Robinson Professor of Biology
Department of Biology
132 Natural Science Building
Western Carolina University
Cullowhee, NC 28723

ONE BRIGHT sunny day in 1846, Henry David Thoreau hap-

pened upon a savage battle. The unfolding butchery didn’t

disturb the peace of rural Concord, however, for the conflict

was noiselessly conducted by ants just a stone’s throw from his cabin.

“The legions of these Myrmidons covered all the hills and vales in my

woodyard,” Thoreau reports, “and the ground was already strewn with

the dead and dying.” This was internecine war, Dresden or Austerlitz

in miniature, “the red republicans on the one hand, and the black

imperialists on the other.” Musing on the considerable myrmecine car-

nage before him, Thoreau comments, “I was myself excited somewhat

even as if they had been men. The more you think of it, the less the dif-

ference.” And therein lies a lesson for humanity, which is why these

astute observations from Walden were often reprinted as an essay in

their own right under the title “Battle of the Ants.”

As he was a keen observer and critic of nineteenth-century America

and one of the most eloquent philosophers of the relationship between

nature and human society, it is unsurprising that Thoreau should join

in a long tradition of observers who have seen parallels between insect

and human societies. A great many social thinkers of the past would

concur with him—the more you think of it, the less the difference—

which is why it is not coincidental that these insect colonies have come

to be called “societies” by entomologists to begin with. But, interest-

ingly, the society that is seen often bears an uncanny resemblance to

that of the social organism peering.

What do people see when they view insect societies? Besides repul-

sion or fascination, what sense do they make of teeming masses of

incessantly-probing ants, swarms of armed-and-dangerous hornets, or

legions of termites marching under cover of darkness? These are the

non-entomologists alike—ubiquitous, abundant, conspicuous groups

that are forces to be reckoned with. No mere masses of bugs, these col-

onies seem to be highly integrated functional units whose members

communicate, cooperate, and coordinate their efforts at such readily-

appreciated activities as defending their group, finding food, building

homes, and caring for their young much as do people.

People have long looked to the natural world for guidance and

instruction, seeking analogy, metaphor, and messages in all quarters of

the animate and inanimate worlds. It was thus inevitable, perhaps, that

these remarkable insects should have insinuated themselves into our

lore, legend, and very conceptions of ourselves as social beings. The

nineteenth-century Natural Theology tradition of seeking sermons in

stones captures the essence of the human tendency to find meaning in

nature. But what sort of meaning? Typically, meaning for a particular

philosophy of life, for how people should live. The noted myrmecolo-

gist C. P. Haskins asks, in his 1939 book Of Ants and Men, “Can we

as we gaze at the ant colony, discern any social pitfalls which menace

[ants and humans] alike, into which ants, perhaps, have fallen more

deeply than men . . . ?” (p. 5).

History suggests that any attempts to draw parallels between

humans and other organisms, and most especially attempts to moralize

from nature, are doomed to failure or worse. There is no shortage of

misguided social policies and doctrines in our century alone, born of a

woeful ignorance or selective reading of “nature.” It is precisely for

this reason that it is instructive to consider what sense has been made

of social insects, and the ways in which these organisms have provided

grist for the mills of social engineers, commentators, and poets since

time immemorial. Protagoras said that man is the measure of all

things, arguing that human knowledge is relative to the observer. This

relativity is starkly evident when the observer is projected onto the

observed, and when it comes to insectan societies humans are indeed

the measure, using themselves as the meter stick. Consider the follow-

ing sampling of social insects as model and metaphor, exploring how

remarkably divergent social views are seen written upon the same hives

and anthills.

An Eye on China

Collective Intelligence & The Internet

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Bloomberg and The Everyman

photo by James Estrin NYTimes

One must laugh at the statement

Bloomberg, a N.Y. Success, Is Wild Card for Nation

by the Grey Lady,aka NYTimes, about why Mike Bloomberg,the current New York's mayor not having chances for a presidential seat,because he does not fit the label,which is supposed to be according to the imaginary standards of a pater familias.
The pater familias "was the highest ranking male in a Roman household. The word is Latin for "father of the family." The form is irregular and archaic in Latin, preserving the old genitive ending in -as; see Latin declension.The power held by the pater familias was called patria potestas, "paternal power." Potestas is distinct from auctoritas, also held by the pater. Under the laws of the Twelve Tables, the pater familias had vitae necisque potestas—the "power of life and death"—over his children, his wife (in some cases), and his slaves, all of whom were said to be sub manu, "under his hand." For a slave to become a freedman, he would have to be delivered "out of the hand" of the pater familias, hence the terms manumissio and emancipatio. At law, at any rate, his word was absolute and final. If a child was unwanted, under the Roman Republic the pater familias had the power to order the child put to death by exposure.He had the power to sell his children into slavery; Roman law provided, however, that if a child has been sold as a slave three times, he is no longer subject to the patria potestas. The pater familias has the power to approve or reject marriages of his sons and daughters; however, an edict of the Emperor Caesar Augustus provided that the pater familias could not withhold that permission lightly.

Only a Roman citizen could enjoy the status of pater familias.

There could only be one holder of the office within a household.

Even male adult children remained under the authority of their fathers while he still lived, and could not acquire the rights of a pater familias while he was yet alive; at least in legal theory, all their property was acquired on behalf of their fathers, and he, not they, had ultimate authority to dispose of it. Those who lived in their own households at the time of the father's death succeeded to the status of pater familias over their respective households.
Over time, the absolute authority of the pater familias tended to be weakened, and rights that theoretically existed were no longer enforced or insisted upon.-from Wikipedia.......

Although in my belief,a leader is someone who is born with that quality and must study how to channel the ability in a creative and constructive manner,otherwise as History has in its books,examples exist, of catastrophic results.
I may even recall my mother's words,as she described watching Hitler in one of his horrendous rallies in the 1930's,that despite his maniacal assertions and dictations,he unfortunately had charisma and magnetism.
On the other hand,despite his flaws,Napoleon could be a more inspiring model of a statesman,minus his military and royal accomplishments.Napoleon's legacy and influence is remarkable in fashion,food,law ,art and architecture

.According to the NYTimes,Bloomberg :He’s still himself,” said Douglas A. Muzzio, a professor at the Baruch School of Public Affairs. “His dislike of and unwillingness to engage in traditional politics provides both the raison d’être for his candidacy and the unlikelihood of winning.”
“He’s completely goal-oriented,” said Steven Rattner, a Democratic donor who is close to the mayor. “He picked up golf, and now he’s determined to catch Tiger Woods. He decided he wanted to learn Spanish and carves out the time for lessons, no matter how busy he is.”
That focus has its roots in his middle-class upbringing in Medford, Mass., helping him climb from the lower rungs of Wall Street to the top of his own multibillion-dollar enterprise and then the thin-air precincts of New York’s high society. That, in turn, helped his political ascent.
After his surprising win, however, Mr. Bloomberg wasted no time getting to work. Even before taking office, associates say, he began calling business leaders, urging them to stay and to move back downtown in a city still wrenched by the human and economic toll of 9/11.

He attacked looming deficits with an 18.5 percent property tax increase and
pursued his own interest in improving public health by pushing through an unpopular smoking ban.
“He came in with a businessman’s mind-set,” said Edward Skyler, a deputy mayor who followed Mr. Bloomberg from his company to the mayoral campaign, then to City Hall. “Basically his mentality was: ‘Let’s do it and get it over with. It’s not going to get any better by waiting.’ He knew what was ahead of him.”
That willingness to take on difficult problems like a troubled school system, housing that is beyond the reach of many residents and entrenched poverty, and an ability to promote his pursuits to the public, have earned him widespread support among voters. Some experts say it is unclear whether his administration is making significant or long-lasting strides in these areas, but others applaud at least the efforts.
At the same time, Mr. Bloomberg’s unwillingness to engage in the symbolic acts many constituents find meaningful and what some see as an inability to project empathy with the travails of ordinary New Yorkers have led to accusations that he is out of touch.

Basically, we need someone who has human traits and a open mind to learn and have a vision for what we really need in Life,which is simple.The infrastructure for our survival is based on a roof over our heads,food on the table and a respect to all around us.We need to be gentle,thoughtful and have a social conscience. All of us in this life have a role.

Some of us are born with creative genes and others with other abilities and skills.

We can even observe how insect behave.Bees and Ants.

The creative individuals,serve in a society as guidance to Beauty and Thought. We will question and move the dust around,touching on emotions,colors,motivate the spirits,amuse,create music,play with words and introduce ideas to keep the rest of the world motivated to live.

Remember that the Latins would say Panem et Circenses and Carpe Diem,in other words,we are mortals,we need food for the head and food for the belly, plus fun.

Then we need managers and workers to set our concepts in motion.And one day it is all over,although Da Capo.

Da Capo is a musical term in Italian, meaning from the beginning, often abbreviated D.C.. It is a composer or publisher's directive to repeat the previous part of music. In small pieces this might be the same thing as a repeat, but in larger works D.C. might occur after one or more repeats of small sections, indicating a return to the very beginning. The resulting structure of the piece is generally in ternary form. Sometimes the composer describes the part to be repeated, for example: Menuet da capo. In opera, where an aria of this structure is called a da capo aria, the repeated section is often adorned with grace notes..

By the way,considering the past American presidential history.,the individuals that have so far played the role,make me wonder about what I remember about them:

Bush- Shock & Awe,blood,chaos,fear,angst,despair & etc

Clinton- the thong and greasy food

Reagan- sleeping,b-movies and jelly beans

Carter- grey cardigan,hemorrhoids

Bush- skydiving and read my lips and throwing up on foreign visits

Kennedy- "Happy Birthday,Mr.President" and the Bay of Pigs

Nixon- used cars salesman and phlebitis

Johnson- boots

Ford- falling steps

Helas, we must commend Bloomberg for taking interest in a foreign language,a step into the horizon,vis a vis the world.

After all,we must realize that we all share the friendly skies,as a commercial for an airline would splash around.....

We need healthcare to be a priority issue and not a bureaucratic nightmare,as a person needing medical care is asked first about "What is your insurance ?" quite a hilarious question when pain and disease is afflicting .

The real estate business is also another area to be regulated in some ways.After all,even the pharohs did not take their pyramids to their after life.

And we need food,not bullets on the table.

Amen and Viva Miguel!

and here some about New York news outside:"Mulberry Street "in London

Friday, June 22, 2007

Don't veto,don't obey- another point of discussion-presidential candidate

drawing by marguerita
Besides war,immigration and other deadly themes,the candidate is open
to debate:
Everything western society tells you is wrong. Take the traditional norms - "the cultural mandate of self reliance", consumerism, "open and honest communication", individualism, democracy, personal autonomy, egalitarianism - and smash them to pieces. They are all anathema to good sex, which for reasons best known to our deepest, most primitive brain centres, depends on large doses of secrecy, power imbalances and vulnerability for its success. You don't like it, I don't like it, and neither do any of the authors, but our nether regions do, so tough. Bring out the gimp.
Recognize that love is an elevated state of being,that promises that "with you and through you, I will become that which I long to be.
Sexuality is a powerful,transformative realm of experience that deserves to be considered on its own terms,outside of traditional and religious considerations.
Chart the progress of Desire from Curiosity to Intimacy and convey how sexual chemistry can turn into love.
(some words ,excerpts from Lady Chatterley's review by A.O.Scott)

War can be replaced by the sensuality of sunshine, wild flowers and fresh air.


Thursday, June 21, 2007

2008 Presidential Candidate

painting by marguerita
Introducing here the LACTEA Party candidate for President:
Sincere and very down to earth character,with a concern for the poor, in need,social reform and intellectual properties.
"Canem et circenses" is his motto.
His deep sniff into the real problems afflicting and being inflicted by the current administrations
all over the planet,will certainly replace the stagnation , stink and miasma.Look into his eyes and the world will be able to see the moon backwards and a hope for a transformation from chaos to harmony.
The dream for centuries of the calm reality so desired for the time each soul is granted Time to be spent on the big ball playground.
Our 2008 candidate, certainly agrees that bullets,armaments would never make a recipe for good and tasty food.There is no mention in the Larousse Gastronomique
fullfilling the stomachs of the gourmets,gourmands or even the very simple living being , with military productions or concotions.
We cannot even imagine in the present days a "Dejeuner sur l''herbe",
c’est enfin cet ensemble vaste, plein d'air, ce coin de la nature rendu avec une simplicité si juste, toute cette page admirable dans laquelle un artiste a mis tous les éléments particuliers et rares qui étaient en lui. » by Emile Zola
allowing our minds to dream,without reminding ourselves about the fear constantly projected onto us,where poets and creative souls seem to be displaced and uprooted by the speed of violence and blood spilling.
The Earth is falling apart,the birds and beautiful creations of Nature disappearing from sight,the waters everywhere shallow and deep poisoned,the fish full of mercury and other lethal elements and Man and Woman lost, wandering and wondering in Despair.
The candidates agenda is just beyond a "Rocky Horror Show", discussing a war,that should have never have taken place, immigration, forgetting totally historical and geographical facts to be the origins of our disgruntlement : maps designed and outlined by ancestors in the recent Past and as a result,We the Present Living, harvesting the consequences.
The roots of discord and anger are clearly the outcome of greed,invasion,looting,human indifference and now the ramification in 3D of individual acts by special interest groups focused in Destruction, instead of Construction, who systematically repeat the same and covering up the truth.
We can try another route for survival in harmony.The meaningful question of what is needed for all of us to co- exist is a simple priority: consideration about Rice and Beans to achieve Peace and Means.

We cannot digest machines, bullets,bombs and other life ending projectiles.We were not built to withstand pollution of the Air and the Mind.We can create a Paradise .If there is a will,there is a way .
Chinese symbol for dog

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Kid- Ney and a little story

“Beware of seriousness: it is a form of stupidity,” - said Evelyn Waugh

My kidneys

give me hell,so I have been writing for sometime a little play of sorts and illustrate along.After all I live with organs in a battleground, within me,despite the one I watch in the outside world.
The kidneys are bean-shaped organs, each about 4 to 5 inches (12 centimeters) long. One lies on each side of the spinal column, just behind the abdominal cavity, which contains the digestive organs. Each kidney receives blood through a branch of the aorta, called the renal artery. Blood flows from the renal artery into progressively smaller arteries, the smallest being the arterioles. From the arterioles, blood flows into glomeruli, which are tufts of microscopic blood vessels called capillaries. Blood exits each glomerulus through an arteriole that connects to a small vein. The small veins join to form a single large renal vein, which carries blood away from each kidney.

All of the functions normally performed by two kidneys can be carried out adequately by one healthy kidney. Some people are born with only one kidney and others choose to donate one kidney. In other cases, one kidney may be severely damaged by disease or injury.

The primary function of the kidneys is to maintain the proper balance of water and minerals (including electrolytes) in the body. Additional functions include filtration and excretion of waste products from the processing of food, drugs, and harmful substances (toxins); regulation of blood pressure; and secretion of certain hormones.
The characters have interesting names,as Medulla,who reminds me of Messalina,,Cortex,Calix,which I changed to le Duc Renal Von Sinus, Renal Pelvis,who reminds me of Elvis, Nephrons, as the writer and Ureter as Uranus.

Fiat Iris

painting by marguerita

Enlightenment- a study in many path........

I am always very curious.
So,from one word I travel to another one until I find myself in
search of more mysteries.
After receiving a word in a message sent to me from Shanghai, I thought to be in the Chinese language,I kept looking for explanations,translations landing on the word enlightenment,
which reminds me of LIGHT and my walkabouts in bookstores, and finding books by Derrida, and philosophers and back to my Chinese philosophy.
The word turned out to be in Japanese.

Next in swahili:
Matokeo kwa 'cheshi' yaonyeshwa kwa taratibu ya alfabeti. Kwa hivyo, usidhani kwamba mwingilio wa kwanza ni tokeo linalozidi yote. Wewe ukielewa Kiswahili na Kiingereza, twaomba utumie Zana Jumuishi yetu ili kuboresha orodha ya matokeo haya. Ni rahisi, na utasaidia wasomaji wote wanaokufuata!

from Everything2

The origin of our concepts of science, politics, and reason.

The Enlightenment, a period of 18th and 19th century European history, was by some accounts sparked by the invention of the printing press.
Francis Bacon is the quintessential enlightenment scientist, with Rousseau and Kant being the early players on the political/philosophical side of things. The American Revolution was essentially an experiment by a bunch of radical enlightenment philosophers.

Life itself is enlightenment itself and has many aspects but you can only see what your understanding of practice allows.

To appreciate the vast expanse of experiences, understand that oceans and mountains may seem round or square but there are details to still be seen and that there are whole world-systems in all directions. Your immediate circles of concern are of no account. What is demonstrates itself right here beneath your feet and in a single drop of water.

from "Genjokoan: The Question of Our Lives"
by Dogen zenji
translated by
Yasuda Joshu Dainen roshi and Anzan Hoshin sensei

Immanuel Kant called enlightenment an Ausgang, or an exit. He felt that it was a release from immaturity; immaturity being when one discards use of one's faculty of reason in favor of the reason of an authority, such as when one chooses to rely on a spiritual middleman. Therefore, enlightenment is reasoning for the sake of reason.. But Kant also felt that enlightenment will be reached when men can reason freely, but still must obey authority -- when we have the freedom to gripe about taxes, but not the freedom to withhold payment. And so what Kant basically proposes is freedom of thought in despotic Prussia, under the condition that the individual must act in accordance with universal reason; that is, obey the state, adapting use of one's reason to present circumstances. (This, being public freedom of reason, but private submission, is different from freedom of conscience.)

This information was culled (and paraphrased) from Michel Foucault's excellent essay, "What Is Enlightenment?". As I've demonstrated, I lack the ability to adequately explain such philosophical concepts; you may want to read the essay yourself. ;-)

Kant's concept is interesting, although I certainly disagree with the requirement of obedience. Yet I wonder if merely the freedom to throw off the conformist straitjacket is maturity, or if the act of doing so is. Perhaps I should re-read Foucault's essay, or check out the work of Kant. For it seems we all have the freedom to exercise reason, but relatively few choose to do so.

Or perhaps the subtle and sophisticated tools of coercion in use in Western society deprive one of one's freedom of reason.

That is, will everyone exercise their faculty of reason if indoctrination is removed? Yet, IIRC, Kant was no determinist, arguing that cognitive ability is too advanced to be totally shaped by human nature, life experiences, etc. Plus, I believe he was a Christian, and free will is Christian doctrine. Does the abstract concept of reason imply exercise of free will? (I never wish to stray into the free will vs. determinism debate, but I inevitably do so. It is perhaps the most important question facing us. A question that is, in all probability, never to be answered.)
Sometimes I wish I could articulate myself more clearly.. *my brain exploding*

I realise that 'enlightenment' is one of the most overused words in the entire subject of spirituality. That said, here's my take on the subject:

The state of enlightenment, to me, seems to be when my mind stops trying to break down the universe into little bits...

In a normal state of mind, you see many "objects" in front of you... the mind automatically breaks the visual field up into different objects by looking for shapes and edges. Then it tries to fit a label to each shape or cluster of shapes... this is a pencil, this is my hand.

In a state of 'enlightenment', one diverts the mind from this activity, and focuses on the whole view... the input from all five senses. All recognition disappears, and information seems to come rushing in. The visual field seems to widen, your hearing becomes more acute, you may feel or smell things strongly. I always experience a sort of mental "buzz" at this stage...

That's the first step. Here's the second: After all other objects disappear, all that is left is the universe and you... but even this can be broken down. You let yourself simply experience, without the sub-thought of "I am experiencing"... the "me" then disappears, and only the feeling of consciousness is left. (And the mental buzz disappears with a 'pop', leaving just thought spinning in the void...)

After that, it's just a case of not trying to analyse what's happening...

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


My Holocaust vis a vis Mensch


The NYTimes reviewer(same guy who wrote the Joe Louis boxer book) for " My Holocaust" by Tova Reich , I can attest,he is not a "mensch".

I myself ran into some of the notorious Holocaust "owners" years ago,when I, as an artist and a daughter of an Auschwitz survivor and descendant of the rabbinical dynasty of Akiva Eiger,was denied by them to design the poster for the


It so happens,that the "owners" in fact,some of them did not go to Auschwitz at all .

I have not read the book,only aware about through reviews.

What caught my attention and concern, in fact,is the issue about the people involved with the Holocaust movement, which I confronted years ago and felt great resentment for their conduct.Even now,the scandals around the Jewish World Congress,where Edgar Bronfman is being substituted by Ronald Lauder,and I hope,that the same corruption does not continue.

On my own, I have a nice set of horror stories that I experienced when I met a number of them , The Holocaust & Co Owners" as I call them myself. They have caused me to feel ashamed of being a Jew or even connected with them after all.
I met the shmatte "hero" Jack Eisner,who paid a French film maker to make a movie about his "heroic" acts,which were in truth figments of his imagination.
He also paid for the publication of a vanity book THE SURVIVOR.
.And the other one the grand Benjamin Meed and his heroine Wladka Meed.
But as the old saying goes; The oil always comes up in the water",or as my mother would say" Until the fat man loses weight,the skinny ones dies".
The absurdity in that matter reveals itself in me in the most kafkaesque manner,as I am the only one,descendant of prominent Jewish European families,and for years trying to unravel what happened to my ancestors with no help from anyone.
Throughout time,with some success,I am piecing together information,documents that are proving my legitimate rights and facing enormous obstacles and absurdity.
You may find some of my encounters described on my THE FRAGEBOGEN,as the trip I made to Krakow in 2004,after locating my mother's building there,still on her name.
On that quest,I have quite a hilarious tale to tell.
I went to court in Poland and still in Court with the Polish government.
I have tried through the Lauder Foundation,only getting a minimal help,when the main genealogical researcher under contract to Lauder, Yale Reisner,was made the director of the Jewish Archives in Warsaw.After pleading with him,as a jest of kindness,he sent some information about my father's side,who he admitted himself,"after spending only half an hour" in the Archives.So, that was all I was able to get from his part,because he could only respond to Lauder's requests.
I got some help from Lucjian Dobroszycki,who was YIVO professor of history and was kind enough to direct me to sources where I was able to find information about my mother and also about my father.
My mother was a cosuin of Bruno Jasienski,the author of Paris is Burning,the animators Max and David Fleischer and a descendant of the rabbinical dynasty of Akiva Eiger.
Also in my trip to Krakow,I visited the Krakow Archives where I found 17 documents stamped by the III Reich,relating to my mother's movements ,from when she was forced into the Krakow ghetto with her mother in law and sent to Plaszow and from there to Auschwitz -Birkenau and Ravensbrueck.
I met with the curator of Auschwitz Teresa Zwiebocka and found there in Auyschwitz the date of my mother's arrival.
After putting together some of the information that I was able to gather,I have a form belief that Raoul Wallenberg,the so called hero,was the man,that my mother told me about,who was hiding in Zurich after 1944 in her sister in law's home and later living in Krakow,in her building.

So,I think that the book by Tova,may open a door to all the lies that have been built around this horrible event by the human race.

The dead,which include my ancestors,cannot talk and I can imagine,that if they could be around,they would speak out of being twice murdered.

Once by Hitler and his accomplices and again by the Holocaust merchants.
The Fragebogen

Teen Agers and Us


November 2006
by Christella Pellé-Douel for Psychologies magazine



How can we peacefully watch our own child becoming handsome and having a sex life? " When we say teenagers have a strange behavior, states Serge Hefez, a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, we're talking about ourselves, of our fear of growing old, of how anguished we are to be separated from these future adults. This goes for everybody: the media, institutions, therapists..." And this fear expresses itself through negative judgments, violent rejection of teenagers, what Philippe Gutton, a psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and the manager of the quarterly publication " Adolescence " honestly calls " adult provocation."

If we add to this we're demanding that teens be healthy, be interested in everything, don't get angry and be successful students- in short that they correspond fully to what an adult expects, neglecting their emerging expression of their individuality and individuation-, clashes and misunderstandings are round the corner. Jasmine, aged 19, is a good example: " My parents are divorced. Until I was 14, everything was rather going fine and normally...My stepmother was quite nice. And then I grew up really fast. In one year, I was 176 centimeters tall and had a big bosom. My stepmother's attitude changed completely. She became aggressive, she'd make comments about my clothes, my friends...My father pretended not to know anything about it. I couldn't stand it, I didn't want to spend the weekend at his place anymore. And of course, this caused massive fights with my mother. So I locked myself in my room, I didn't want to talk to them any longer, and my work was disastrous at high school..."

Indeed the eruption of sexuality in children's bodies and psyche provokes a deep change in parents. According to
Philippe Gutton, Serge Hefez, Françoise Marty and many other psychoanalysts and psychiatrists, this notion is crucial
: " Noone can escape this disruption of relationships, whether the change is conscious or not. " insists Serge Gutton,
author of Moi, violent ? ( = Me, violent ? ). This explains adults' ambivalent attitude: their desire to continue to view
the teenager as a child while unconsciously creating a relationship based on rivalry and hatred. Serge Hefez
symbolizes this using the story of Snow White, victim of a stepmother willing to make the young girl disappear in
order to remain handsome.


Adolescence is a time during which youngsters create their ego, an independent ego, different from their parents'
one. It's so deep a change that P. Gutton compares it to the artistic creation process. The presence of this new
person within the family is similar to the arrival of an intrusive stranger, who would come without being invited.
But where has the child we brought up and were so close to gone? He imposes a strange behavior, tries to wear
new clothes or changes his hairdo, becomes unpleasant, doesn't hold himself properly, keeps on giggling and
listens to his music full blast. These actions are viewed as provocations by the adults surrounding the teenager -
the brothers and sisters accept those changes which can amuse or irritate them, they never see it as a
provocation meant to make them put their attitude in doubt.

Language also becomes an expression of this research. " Incapable of putting his feelings into words, the
teenager tries to twist the meaning of words he used until now, explains P.Gutton. Whereas an adult wants
the exact meaning of words to cover the chaos he hears. " So " the misunderstanding " arises. Maxime, aged 16,
laughs about it: " I love to talk very fast on the phone using slang with my mates in front of my parents. It's
too cool, it annoys them. " Juliette, aged 14, can't stand being obliged to use " old-fashioned " language with
her family. " I like to speak normally, as we do. But when I tell my mother: " you're so cool ", my father corrects
me : " Talk properly! " He shouts etc... It's too sad."

Here's the paradox: teens test, try, seek, go backwards and forwards, create their ego by becoming unapproachable,
mysterious and referring constantly to topics unknown to adults. However, they seek the proof of their own existence,
of their ego by being deliberately misunderstood and provocative. They need to obtain a response, a reaction, a
resistance which enables them to check if the changing process is occurring. And they need to find out why
they're strangers to themselves : to them, this change is thought provocative and they feel " familiarly strange " if we
want to use the surrealists' expression.


This doesn't mean adults must become too close and develop an eternal " understanding " which is a source of anguish
for teens. Indeed, Oriane, aged 15, wears the same clothes as her mother for alleged financial reasons. The young girl
is dreaming of a " bit of shelf for me, with my own things." Adults mustn't become too rigid either by pretexting
teenagers need solid " bearings " but, on the contrary, try to find common interests and exchanges.

How can we give the teen the support he needs while giving him the opportunity to go backwards and forwards, a
necessary stage he must go through to seek his ego ( he connects with the family-he connects outside of his family. ) ?
How can we avoid leaving him alone and locking him up? How can we be flexible enough so that this major change due
to puberty occurs? There is no ready answer. But the specialists all agree on this: adults must stop a loving relationship
during which they cannot distinguish between themselves and their child, mustn't project their desires on their teenagers,
find the appropriate distance ( neither too close nor too far ), mustn't feel they're the cause - therefore feel guilty - of
all their child's difficulties. They are inescapable and necessary. They're part of the learning process. Teens are beings
who are not understood by adults. It's normal and that's the way we should want it to be. The change happens all
the more peacefully if the adults surrounding the teens refuse to label them...which makes the youngsters provoke adults.

It's not easy...but it's worth it. Don't ask intrusive questions but be willing to have a conversation about the news for
example or about how teens express themselves to refuse their teachers' authority...According to S. Hefez, " teenagers
expect adults to talk about a lot of things with them: politics, their own memories of their youth...At this stage, the teen
is using constructive language to socialize. A teen who talks about today's problems, the news, who seeks conversation -
even if it's in a confrontational way- is a teen who's well. " Because adolescence is also this wonderful period of life
during which everything happens for the first time, the period of a new outlook on the world, when everything is possible,
when feelings are pure ( they haven't been affected by time yet ), when sensations are strong and so is thoughtlessness.
Teens give us the opportunity to reconnect with this hidden part of ourselves, to come back to where we came from
without being envious or nostalgic about our early years. Let's not be afraid of them and that will help them grow.

Article translated by Anne-Marie Barré, Rennes, France